Security aluminium windows

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High Security Level. For homes with high security demands especially for single and linked houses. Restrictor are available to ensure child safety by limiting the window opening angles. Used in Top Hung windows, they support the heavy sashes in opening position.

This is a safety glass that holds together when shattered. In the event of breaking, it is held in place by a vinyl interlayer, between its two or more layers of glass.

The interlayer keeps the layers of glass bonded even when broken. Find out about some of our available options: If you live in one of the following condos or apartments, we have high-quality, soundproof aluminium window-replacement packages for you: Alpha Villa Apts.

Casement Door. Entrance Door. Fixed Window. Outward Opening. Sliding Door. Double-hung windows have a movable top window you can lower and a bottom window you can raise. Permanent window bars or grids are restrictive if you need to exit a window, but side bars you can remove in an instant can provide a locking mechanism to secure your aluminum windows and still allow you to exit. Thumbscrews provide security and allow easy opening in an emergency.

Thumbscrew locks are inexpensive and lock aluminum windows securely. Basically a small clamp that secures with a paddle-top screw, thumbscrew locks are easy to install and slide along the aluminum window frame when you want to raise or lower the window. Tighten the thumbscrew at the position you want the lock to stop the window from opening.

You can find both single thumbscrew and double thumbscrew locks at a home improvement store. The double thumbscrew lock may provide more security as it has more gripping power than the single thumbscrew.

The extra thumbscrew works well as a backup if one thumbscrew is not tight. You sacrifice security if you maintain these locks too far up the vertical rail or track to allow the windows to open occasionally, rather than moving them as needed. Review the instructions that come with the thumbscrew locks carefully, and test by trying to open the windows after the installation of the thumbscrew locks.

For security in addition to thumbscrew locks, use dowel stops in the side channels of the window rail to stop an intruder from raising the window without the removal of the dowel.

Cut the dowel to fit the measurement the distance from the top of the window track to the bottom of the railing and place it in the track.


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