Remove shield on icons windows 7

Posted February 2, XerXis Posted February 2, Lenin91 Posted February 6, Posted February 6, Jaycub Posted May 26, Posted May 26, Posted October 15, This topic is now closed to further replies.

These types of changes can affect the security of your computer or can affect settings for other people that use the computer. We recommend that you leave UAC on to help make your computer secure. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I see a shield symbol attached to one of my program icon shortcuts on my desktop. Just clear UAC icon, make it transparent and Shortcut overlay at one shot. A side effect is that admin icon is missing in context menu, where Run as Administrator command is.

Personally I can live with it! Now it should return back to the original Desktop icon without the UAC icon in front. I hope this has helped In most cases, the Windows Defender shield on desktop shortcuts is due to old applications or applications with questionable compatibility and there's no need to compromise Windows Defender to eliminate it:. I have three drives on my machine two SSD and one 'normal' This shield only appears on some programs that are on my C drive.

By moving the programs to either of the other drives, the shield dissapears. Of course this fact is only useful if you ave two drives!! The shield symbol is gone and the Admin rights will remain for the target application due to the command nircmd elevate.

I had the same problem with the shield on some icons, but I found a way around it without using any other software or registry editing. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 12 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 2 months ago. Viewed k times. Edit I closed UAC to see if overlays go away or not.

Improve this question. No, it's not possible. Sunday, January 18, PM. Hey Mark, Are we talking about the Action Centre here because I don't see any UAC icon which before was quite annoying but isn't so much now it just doesn't seem to do anything very constructive in my view. Whats the point Now, in 7, the only point of having the shield icon is if you elevate UAC's aggressiveness.

At default settings the shield icon means nothing; no UAC prompt will appear. Norton AntiVirus Microsoft actually had a blog post a while back Vista era, I can't find it now, but I think it's still living in the Aero UI Guidelines explaining that even if a user turns off UAC, your program should not take away the icon: that you should leave it there to indicate that it is something that only administrators would have access to do, even if they aren't prompted.

The post also explained that Windows would behave the same way: the icon stays as a reminder, even if you don't use UAC. Mark L. I just turned off UAC and it deleted all my cookies and passwords. Word to the wise -before you start using W7 beta, turn off UAC first thing. Mark L Ferguson said: "No, it's not possible. Those shields are ugly, and don't signify anything that cannot be accomplished by a dialog confirming an elevated permissions status when clicked, much like Apple's OS X does. MS can still learn a thing or two from Apple as far as interface elements are concerned.

And no, I don't think Apple has got it right across the board, but they certainly have some real improvements vis a vis Win7 in some areas. I'd like to be able to say that Win7 has a better interface than OSX. I can't, in all conscience, say that at the moment. Maybe if MS listens to feedback from its users, rather than telling us that it's "not possible"? And it's time to let users choose to have a single menu bar pinned to the top of the screen vs a menu bar on every parent window.

C'mon MS. Give us the choice. Apple can't sue you now. That's an elegant solution. Be big about this and admit that there are other ways to do this menu thing. You needn't make it mandatory - just an option. I, for one, would be a greatful Win7 user.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Cheers Mark, Andy. KineticOnline said: I dont want to disable the UAC, it like the way it setup now vs vista, i just dont like the icons reminding me every time on on the desktop or in the start menu that the UAC is there All i want to do is make a cosmetic change, i.

Tuesday, January 20, PM. It is possible : Just visit imageres. Carefully here, use right tools! As side effect you will lose an icon in context menu, which acompany "Run as Administrator" command, but after two days you will get used to it.


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