Oblivion goty game save

Does it play ok on windows7 64bit systems? There is also merhunes razor and other very minor DLCs included in the deluxe version. On the other hand, the regular version just includes Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. Both of these are extremely fun and are worth buying.

Overall, if you want the houses along with all the other DLCs, you should get the deluxe version. Originally posted by starbucaneer :. Originally posted by RG Mok :. Originally posted by Daynov :.

Last edited by Starbucaneer ; 28 May, am. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 16 May, pm. Posts: This edition is playable only in English language.

Originally posted by cheshirm :. Okay, so here is an update while i am waiting. Last edited by Wolven Guy ; 30 Jul, am. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 1 Jul, pm. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account?

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So I bought the regular Oblivion a long time ago but never played it but was thinking of starting today. My brother owns the GotY edition of the game. If I get hooked on the game and want to play through the expansions, could I then get his game, install it, and load my save from the original and access the new content or should I just wait and get the GotY edition from him and start from that?

SonicBoom 12 years ago 2. Since the add-ons are combined with the game on one disc, there isn't a way to just install the add-ons. You'd have to use his disk to play the game. This would probably be the better idea. You could either just use his disk from the start, or play through the normal game first, and then use his disk to play the add-ons later.

Joolsy 12 years ago 3. It might install the entirety of SI to HD on installation in the same way as if the DLC were downloaded - in which case loading your brothers GotYE version and then playing using your own Vanilla edition would work just fine.

However, I have no way to confirm whether this works or not. Try installing your brothers GotYE version then restarting the PS3 with your own Vanilla disk inserted, play the game and head to "The door in Niben Bay" - if you can enter and play SI then it should be fine.

I'd be very interested to know if it works. AlekPej79 12 years ago 4.


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