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Lets face it, Skyrim is old and the vanilla start quest is the last thing many want to play through. Alternate Start provides a variety of ways to start the game. Once a new game is started, a locked cell is loaded. Simply talk to the statue in the room, choose a preference for starting the game the vanilla start is provided as an option , and then sleep in the bed to start your new life.

When using an alternate start location, the main quest line can be initialized by simply visiting Helgen. Vanilla villages should all be ticked on the first page. The following screenshot displays the recommended settings for the Mod Support page:. Timing is Everything is set up in a way that integrates DLC content and balances the game's quests.

Vampires and werewolves will show up early in the game because they are a part of the world. Dragonborn will not start until the news of your deeds has time to reach the island, and the player becomes something that must be dealt with. Other things are active that make sense, such as not being able to do the Break of Dawn quest if the player is a vampire, Thalmor won't attack until after engaging their quest line, etc.

The following screenshots display the recommended settings for the mod's MCM:. The remaining mod configurations are recommended to be left at their defaults for the most enhanced, vanilla experience.

However, users may adjust the settings for these mods to their preference. STEP can only get bigger and better with help from the community. It is very time consuming for the STEP team to ensure that the Guide is consistently maintained at the highest quality possible. We need people to help us identify mods that improve the vanilla game while adhering to our Mandate. We also need ongoing bug reports, reviews, and updates on mods that may cause problems or that stray from the Mandate.

In order to suggest a mod for inclusion, visit the Mods section of the Forums. Once registered, Mod Testers will be given access to Staff forums that houses useful information. For more information about our mod testing process, read through the Mod Testing Guide to get a sense of what's involved. Regular community members interested in becoming moderators, please contact TechAngel85 via PM on the forums. Forum Moderators will be determined based upon level and quality of activity within our community.

The STEP administrators would sincerely like to thank from the bottoms of our fuzzy little hearts :. Forum GameSpaces Beyond Skyrim. Fallout New Vegas. Skyrim Legendary Edition. Skyrim Special Edition. Game Guides Fallout: New Vegas 1. No Man's Sky 1. Skyrim Legendary Edition 3. Skyrim Special Edition 1. Navigation Home. SkyrimSE Home. Step Portal. SkyrimSE Portal. Recent changes. Random page. Contact Step. Tools What links here. Related changes.

Special pages. Printable version. Permanent link. Page information. Browse properties. View source. Log in. Jump to: navigation , search. SkyrimSE v2. The contents of this page can change at any time, so please DO NOT request support for this guide on the forums! Go to the latest supported SkyrimSE Guide. Launch MO by running its executable e.

Click on [Create new instance]. Select Skyrim Special Edition and click [Next]. If the game wasn't found, manually browse to the game's location. Name the instance something like Step Skyrim SE or keep the default. Click [Next]. Step recommends the default location, unless space restraints prevent this. A confirmation window will display with the installation information. Click [Finish]. MO is now ready to use with this guide. Select the Default profile. Name the new profile Step SkyrimSE , or similar.

Close the window by clicking [Close]. Select the Step SkyrimSE profile from the profile selection down-drop. It is normal to get a notice saying some INI files were missing and will be copied. If an error is displayed about missing "modlist.

Click the button and select [Create empty mod]. Name it xEdit Output. Click at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. Browse to the SSEEdit. This should auto-fill most of the fields. Change the title to xEdit. Input the following in the Arguments field separated by a single space: e.

This enables that. Tick the Create files in mod instead of overwrite box. Select the xEdit Output mod from the drop-down. Tick the Use applications icon for desktop shortcuts box. Click [Apply]. Repeat these steps to add the remaining executables as indicated in the table following. Arrange the tools in any order using the up and down buttons above the list. This will dictate the order that tools are listed in the MO "Run" dropdown menu.

Close the window by clicking the [OK] button. If prompted by Windows protection, click More Info and then [Run anyway]. Go to the Setup tab and ensure the Ensure the Game path is correct e. Ensure the Mod Organizer path is correct e. Return to the Setup tab. Keep BethINI open. Click the [Default] button. Click the [High] preset Please avoid the temptation to click 'Ultra' for now, even if the PC is high-end. Window Resolution should match the system resolution.

Otherwise, replicate the setting shown. Screenshots directory , Filename , and Index can be set as desired. Screenshots are taken by pressing [Print Screen] on the keyboard. Optionally un tick Lens Flare if desired. Set Shadow Bias to 0. Return to Basic tab, and click [Save and Exit].

If LOOT cannot find the game directory, add the path to.. Several plugins will show warnings in yellow. The next section describes how to clean them up. Click [Apply] button at top right if it appears. Close LOOT. On the plugin selection window, double-click on the plugin being cleaned. Once xEdit is finished, click [X] at upper right to close.

A backup of the original plugin will automatically be saved into e. To verify the plugin has been cleaned, LOOT can be run again, and no warnings should be apparent other than the game's masters, which may be ignored. Click at the top of the mod list pane. Select [Create Separator] , and give the separator a name. Step recommends using the Mod Group names i. Create a new separator for each new Mod Group while working through the Guide. Separator colors can be customized by right-clicking on any separator and selecting Select Color.

Uncap frame rates if they are capped ignore any stuttering, screen tearing, etc. Skyrim should successfully load into the Alternate Start character generation interface. At the Statue of Mara, select "I own property in one of the holds". Select "Breezehome". Rest for 3 hours, and save the game when the Breezehome interior loads. This will be the clean save to use for testing performance before and after LODGen. Open the Console and type cow tamriel 40 , and assess frame rates by moving around the Rift.

It makes ZERO sense to impulsively increase the resolutions beyond the specifications indicated. NOTE Complete the following in order, and ensure that all mods and plugins are enabled and sorted before doing so. The MCM menu item may juxtapose the 'Exit' menu item, so be sure to scroll down to exit if it is 'missing'.

Alternatively, use the 'qqq' console command. Recipe Display. Mod Support. DLC Quests. Other Quests. Extra Options. This page was last edited on December 24, , at Privacy Policy. Table Flags. A red vertical bar indicates that the mod is required by the Step Patch - Conflict Resolution.

A blue bar indicates the mod supports or otherwise relates to mods in the Post-Processing ModGroup. Nexus mod name presented as a link to Nexus for download. Link to the mod's wiki page, which includes various information about the mod.

General suggestions are located in the " Notes " column; see below. Brief notes that apply to the mod or installation. In some cases, mods with several options will include a suggested option. MCM Helper. NET Script Framework. Ignore the required Loader. PapyrusUtil SE. Open the archive and extract the following files to the Skyrim Special Edition root folder.. Data Files Installation Click on the button and select, [Create empty mod].

Name it SKSE This places the new, empty mod at the bottom of the mod list. Create a new folder named SKSE and open it. Close archive and Windows Explorer sessions. Once complete, the SKSE64 mod's folder structure should be Use this executable to launch Skyrim SE going forward.

Spell Perk Item Distributor. SSE Display Tweaks. As stated in the mod's Description, this mod will stabilize the display of rendered content for smooth gameplay without limiting frame rates , and this should be the case for almost all modern PCs running SSE.

Download and install the Main File. Create a new folder named Plugins and open it. SSE Engine Fixes. Download and install Part 1 Engine Fixes for 1. Extract the contents of the second archive to the root Skyrim SE directory e. Unofficial High Definition Audio Project. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.

Cathedral - Plants. This is the first time users will have encountered a mod that isn't downloaded via MO. Install the file by clicking the button on MO's menu bar. Navigate to the location where the archive was downloaded and open it for MO to start the installation. Static Mesh Improvement Mod. Skyrim Realistic Overhaul. Install Part , choosing to merge the files when asked. Install the update file, choosing to merge as well.

Enhanced Lights and FX. Only the meshes from this mod will be used. ELFX Fixes. Assorted mesh fixes. Unofficial Material Fix. Flickering Meshes Fix. Majestic Mountains. Cathedral Landscapes. Please be aware this mod deviates to a degree from the vanilla style with respect to some landscape textures. However, we feel the benefits the mod brings far outweigh this drawback. Mesh Patch for Various Mods. Realistic Boat Bobbing SE.

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