However, some steppes do have trees near lakes and rivers, and in our case, the Sumerian Edin did possess trees because of rivers, lakes, and man-made irrigation canals and water-retention ponds for irrigation.
Wikipedia on Steppe:" A snake that "cannot be charmed" makes a nest at its base preventing its being cut down. Hero Gilgamesh learns of her sorrow and takes an axe, kills the serpent, chops down the tree and makes a throne of it for her.
Ezekiel's eden is in Lebanon and the garden is of cedars. And, as Ur's ziggurat was called an aromatic cedar mountain by the ancient poet, and a dwelling for Ur's moon god, Nanna, it makes sense to me that all the ziggurats of Sumer were conceived of in the same way, artificial cedar mountains for the mountain-dwelling gods who inhabited, in myth, the mountains ringing the edin steppe lands: Lebanese cedar mountains in the west as well as the Amanus near Turkey and the pine trees of the Zagros near western Iran.
I look forward to reading your future research on Eden's serpent. I understand that there were two Sumerian edins. The oldest was southern Mesopotamia and Sumer. By BC Sumerian colonies had been established in upper Mesopotamia, and I would assume they called this steppe land edin as well. In the northern area the Euphratyes is mostly one stream, but south of ancient Sippar it subdivides into four streams which subdivide into numerous branches which are tapped as irrigation canals.
So an upper Mesopotamian river of edin principaly today's Syria becomes four streams south of today's Anah south of ancient Mari to become four streams of Genesis. Eden's stream flows downwards from the higher edin steppe land northwest of Mari, to become the four rivers of Genesis eden. The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient.
Yale University Press. The significance of the Ziggurat was symbolical The Sumerian myths claim before man had been made Enki of Eridu had the gods, using hoes, dig out two rivers' beds Euphrates and Tigris. So, in Sumerian myth, the source of two of eden's rivers is Eridu lying in the midst Sumer's edin-steppe, near Eridu's ziggurat, an artificial mountain for a god to occupy. Other myths at Babylon where Ea's son Marduk lives, has the source of the two rivers as flowing out the Tiamat's eyes, conceived of as springs.
Babylon like Eridu is in the edin-steppe land and shares the Euphrates water with Eridu. Technically, your right, Genesis suggests a height for the rivers to flow from, and Ezekiel suggests a garden of cedar on a Lebanon mount, but these are false clues. The real clues are not in the Bible they are in the Sumerian and Akkadian myths regarding edin, its rivers' origins, and explanation how man came to acquire forbidden knowledge but not immortality.
The Bible is, via inversions, taking motifs and imaginary events in Mesopotamian works and recasting it all to refute it. To repeat, the real clues to Eden's location and events are not to be found in the Bible, the Bible's clues will only send you on a wild goose hunt, the real clues exist only in the pre-biblical myths of Sumer and Babylonia.
The Hebrews are recasting Polytheism's edin myths and making of it a Monotheistic eden mythology. As is to expected, the names the principal characters are in Sumerian, not Akkadian. Eridu is Eridu, but a new name appears not found in the Akkadian recension: Sumerian edin. That is to say, in addition to Eridu, edin is also mentioned see line in Sumerian: "edin? Issue 1, June Available in PDF format at Degruyter.
I have argued that Adam's Eden is a recast of Sumer's edin in the Gilgamesh Epic present as a logogram substitute for Akkadian seru "steppe," where Enkidu recast as Adam meets Shamhat recast as Eve.
Now we have Sumerian edin pop-up again, in the Sumerian account of how mankind in the form of Adaba Akkadian Adapa loses at a chance for immortality by not eating the food of death for himself and mankind. Adaba being of Eridu located in the midst of the Sumerian edin in myths, and his Sumerian god Enki boasting I gave him wisdom but not immortality, which is a theme reappearing in Genesis' Eden, said boast made by God. As I said before, It is my understanding that Sumer's polytheistic edin, its motifs and characters, have been recast into a monotheistic eden.
Genesis has Eden's serpent associated with events leading to a denial of immortality by God for Adam and Eve. The Sumerian version of Adapa and the Southwind provides a new puzzle piece of the pie, that Adapa's loss at a chance at immortality for himself and mankind occurred after the flood, whereas Genesis has it occurring before the flood. I found no mention of ushumgals or basmu in the Sumerian account. And does it make any difference?
I am not a scholar but a philosophy with an MA. I am also Jewish and almost all commentary on Gen 3 that I read is clearly influenced by the writer being under the influence of Christianity. In my upbringing, I never heard the name Satan uttered. It was only later that I heard even rabbis speak of The Fall and of Satan.
It seems to be a more Orthodox phenomenon. They would hate to hear me say it, but I think they too are operating under the influence of the predominantly Christian environment we live in.
In this article you say, ""it was a serpent that tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit, thereby denying them access to the tree of life which granted immortality. Just after the curses, the naming of Eve, and God clothing them, God says, "God said, "See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever," clearly implying that they would have been able to.
True, they never would have been expelled had they not disobeyed, but the expulsion was an indirect result of their disobedience. The curses were the direct result.
That it was not said of the serpent that he had legs, he very well could have. The animal in the tree could have been like a lizard think Iguana or Komodo Dragon Who God cursed by turning him into a snake without legs.
The Adam and Eve account possesses the same socio-cultural background: Adam does not eat meat, emerges from dirt like Enkidu, a hero in the Epic of Gilgamesh, who is created from mud by the goddess Aruru and is a farmer Gen. On the other hand, more than elsewhere, Noah is seen as a new Adam who inaugurates a world reborn from the Flood. However, contrary to Adam, Noah can eat meat, being, therefore, a part of the cattle culture Gen.
Without a doubt, Noah represents the replacement by means of the figure of the Flood of an old agricultural order by a new pastoral one. An update on Eden: Some assume if you can identify the rivers of Eden, they will lead you to that location. Ergo, Professor Day, surmises Eden must be in mountainous Armenia. The problems? The Euphrates and Tigris never arose from one stream. They arose from numerous tributaries in Armenia's mountains. Another problem: The Mesopotamian accounts mention EDIN as being the flood plain of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, or the flat plain or flat steppe area.
This, of course, flies in the face of these rivers actually flowing from a height as correctly noted by Day. Mythologists don't have to obey nature and commonsense, they can take reality and turn it upside down and on its ear. From her two eyes arise the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
So, in Mesopotamian myth we have the source of the Tigris and Euphrates being Eridu, in the steppe-floodplain of Edin. Remember, mythologists do not have to tell the truth, they have poetic licsence or artistic licsence to take the truth and turn it into fiction.
I am not aware of anyone making these associations, as to why the Euphrates and Tigris arise from a single stream in a location called Eden. It is because the EDen story is an anti-thesis, in response to an earlier thesis, about how man came to be made in location called the EDIN, denied knowledge that it is wrong to be naked, and destroyed in a flood at a later date the Shuruppak flood of circa BC.
None of us have seen God or the devil in person. We know both by experience. We know that God and the devil also interact in man through some agent middle way. Therefore let us simply understand this that Satan used the serpent to decieve the first parents. Remember craftiness was the achilles heel of the serpant. Satan always enter through our weakness. Adam and Chavah eve were vegetarians and so were the mammal animals.
And at that point HaShem did not put the fear and dread into his animals regarding mankind. Because Adam and Chavah had not yet eaten the forbidden fruit. When one holds a piece of fruit in the hand. The outside is called the Flesh and the inside is called the meat. But once Adam and Chavah ate the forbidden flesh, the forbidden meat. Then things changed.
They gained the knowledge of good and evil. Man kills animal. Man eats animal. Man acts like an animal. Territorial, Pride and self idolatry. HaShem also feeds HIS animals. Loves HIS animals. Speaks to HIS animals. And HaShem also gave them stronger attributes then he gave man. Animals have a stronger scent for smell. They have a wider range of hearing. And they have stronger eyesight then man does. And HIS animals are innocent. The lying pen of the scribes have been a foot.
Penning lies by their own wisdom and evil imaginations and traditions! The word "dominion" in genesis is the hebrew word radah. As in smashing grapes in a winepress. The true word should be "yarad" to lower oneself over the subjects one rules over and to learn from them.
And to take care of them. And to love them. Example of Yarad In western culture people say Kaleb but in israel they call him Kelev with a vav and not a bet. The hebrew word for Dog is Kelev. What are the spiritual attributes that HaShem gave the Kelev. Faith, loyalty and unconditional love. His best friend. For YHVH stands in the council of the elohim and judges them!!
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Search Search Search. Comments 35 I haven t read Charlesworth's book and read of his opinions here with great surprise. Mattfeld have been posted. An update on Eden: Some… An update on Eden: Some assume if you can identify the rivers of Eden, they will lead you to that location. None of us have seen God or… None of us have seen God or the devil in person. Response to 34 Steve… Response to 34 Steve Brudneys comment Adam and Chavah eve were vegetarians and so were the mammal animals.
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