The most distinction between Bluetooth and Wifi is that, Bluetooth is actually accustomed connect short-range devices for sharing information whereas Wifi is used for providing high-speed web access or internet. Wifi provides high information measure because the speed of web is a vital issue. NO Bluetooth Wifi 1.
Bluetooth has no full form. While wifi stands for Wireless Fidelity. It requires bluetooth adapter on all devices for connectivity. Whereas it requires wireless adapteron all devices and wireless router for connectivity.
Bluetooth consumes low power. The security of bluetooth is less in comparison of wifi. It is the IEEE Basically, a wi-fi connection is used for networking various devices that are interfaced via the internet. The wireless access point i. Its major components are a wireless adaptor and router.
The term wifi was provided by a firm whose sole purpose behind such a name was that it must be user-friendly.
So, here the data from the router is transmitted to wi-fi enabled devices like smartphones. Thus, it can be concluded that wifi is used for establishing a connection between devices that requires internet access for the exchange of information. While through bluetooth connection is formed between peripheral devices and the main unit. Hence, these two services complement each other as any electronic device that uses both these services is known to be efficient.
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Bluetooth and Wi-fi are the two major services that operate on radio signals and based on wireless communication technology. Key Differences between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Bluetooth and Wi-fi serve different purposes when forms connection with various devices. Bluetooth is used to establish a wireless connection that will provide an exchange of information between the connected devices.
Flexibility Supports limited number of user It provides support for a large number of users Application Use In. Your email address will not be published. Year 3. Logo Bluetooth Wi-Fi 4. Share with Friends :. Written by: Er. Still, there are some risks. Power consumption Low High Frequency range 2.
Bluetooth is an open specification universal for short-range wireless voice and data communications. Bluetooth is the first widespread technology for a short-range ad-hoc network that is designed for combined voice and data application. Compared with Wifi, Bluetooth has a reduced data rate.
However, it has an embedded mechanism to assist the application. Bluetooth is inexpensive personal area ad-hoc network operating in unlicensed lands and owned by the user. Bluetooth topology is referred to as a scattered ad-hoc topology.
It defines a small cell called Piconet which is a collection of devices connected in an ad-hoc fashion. There are four states. The FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum modem is utilized in the physical connection of the Bluetooth with a nominal antenna power of 0 dBm 10 m coverage and alternately operated at 20 dBm m coverage.
Bluetooth allocates a specific frequency- hopping format for each piconet.