You will not receive a reply. Do not enter any personal information such as telephone numbers, addresses, or emails. Your submissions are monitored by our web team and are used to help improve the experience on Alberta. If you require a response, please go to our Contact page. The longer it has been, the higher the deemed income increase will be. Both parents must provide us with their current contact information — within 30 days of it changing. This means we do not:. Example: If a payor receives a large pay cutback, we will not immediately change the child support payable.
To find out more, see these sections on the Eligibility page:. The parent who registered with the program can also choose to withdraw from the program. To do this, you must fill out and submit a Withdrawal form PDF, KB — at least 60 days before the anniversary date of your court order. After a parent withdraws from the program, the other parent is notified of the withdrawal.
Recalculation will continue if the other parent then registers with the program. If the withdrawal is received late, the file may be closed only after the current recalculation is completed. Either parent can ask us to not recalculate for any given year, with agreement from the other parent. You will not receive a reply. Do not enter any personal information such as telephone numbers, addresses, or emails. Your submissions are monitored by our web team and are used to help improve the experience on Alberta.
If you require a response, please go to our Contact page. Overview You must already have a valid child support order or child support agreement before you can register with the Child Support Recalculation Program.
The specific requirements for orders or agreements to be eligible for recalculation are set out in the: Family Law Act Child Support Recalculation Program Regulation If you want your child support to be recalculated in the future, we recommend including a standard recalculation clause in your child support order or agreement. Recalculation clauses in court orders All child support orders granted in Alberta must contain a clause stating whether or not the program may recalculate the child support.
If parents want to recalculate their child support This clause must be included in their child support order: This Order may be recalculated by the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program the Recalculation Program based on its anniversary date if eligible for recalculation and if the Recalculation Program determines recalculation is permissible and appropriate pursuant to the Family Law Act and regulations.
If parents do not want to recalculate their child support This clause must be used in their child support order: This Order shall not be recalculated by the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program. Child support agreements Certain child support agreements may also be eligible for recalculation. Once a person has a Child Support Order stating that it can be recalculated by the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program, either the payor or the recipient of support can register with the Program.
For example, if an Order was granted on April 20, , the first anniversary of the Order is April 20, The parents can then continue to request a recalculation each year on or after April When a recalculation commences, the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program requires income information. However, registration with MEP is not required to utilize the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program, as the parents may have elected to make payments of support directly to one another.
One of the difficulties with the Child Support Recalculation Program is that some of the eligibility requirements may mean that the parents are not able to use the Program, even if they would like to. Firstly, the Program requires that both parents reside in Alberta. If the parents are sharing section 7 expenses the normal way which is proportionate to their incomes, then both of their incomes are required for a recalculation and they must both reside in Alberta to be eligible for the Child Support Recalculation Program.
If this is the case, the parents will need to return to Court if they wish to review and recalculate their Child Support Order.