Biomechanics of growth remodeling and morphogenesis pdf

August ; 48 8 : — This review deals with biomechanical aspects of growth mass change , remodeling property change , and morphogenesis shape change in living systems. The emphasis is on theoretical models, but relevant experimental results also are discussed. As an aid to the reader, the fundamental biological terms and concepts are defined for the general problem and for each specific topic.

At the outset, the processes involved in growth, remodeling, and morphogenesis are described and placed within the context of the evolution of species. Next, some of the analytical methods used in biomechanical models for these processes are presented. Then, applications of these and other techniques to specific systems are discussed, beginning at the cellular level and proceeding upward to the tissue and organ levels. At the cellular level, modeling and experimental studies are reviewed for cell division, cell movement, and pattern formation, and then morphogenetic mechanisms for epithelia cell sheets are discussed.

At the tissue and organ levels, the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are considered. Several models are described for growth, remodeling, and morphogenesis of bone, and mainly experimental results are examined in the cases of skeletal muscle, the heart, and arteries.

Specific topics for the cardiovascular system include hypertrophy, residual stress, atherosclerosis, and embryonic development. Finally, some future research directions are suggested. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search. Skip Nav Destination Article Navigation. The Voronoi tessellation is employed to describe cellular patterns and to simulate cell division and cell remodeling in epithelial tissue.

First, Halton sequence is utilized to generate the random … Expand. View 6 excerpts, cites background. Growth, modelling and remodelling of biological tissue. It is the aim of this work to present an accurate way of modelling, growth and remodelling processes within the framework of continuum biomechanics. Therefore, a multiphase continuum approach is … Expand.

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Growth and remodeling of load-bearing biological soft tissues. Meccanica 52, — Download citation. Received : 15 December Accepted : 08 June Published : 27 June Issue Date : February Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Abstract The past two decades reveal a growing role of continuum biomechanics in understanding homeostasis, adaptation, and disease progression in soft tissues. References 1. J Biomech 26 2 — Article Google Scholar 2. Lodewijk Elzevir, Leiden Google Scholar 3. Wood, New York Google Scholar 4. Appleton, New York Google Scholar 5. Treat, New York Google Scholar 6. August Hirschwald, Berlin Google Scholar 7. J Biomech 45 5 — Article Google Scholar 8.


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