March 12, Preparing Students to be Successful Writers: Handwriting forming letters accurately at a minimum rate , spelling segmenting and spelling words and sentences and sentence construction through sentence frames, expansion and combining exercises are necessary foundation skills for written composition.
March 13, Successfully Teaching Reading Foundation Skills: The ability to accurately read words and to apply decoding strategies to unknown words are necessary, though not sufficient skills, for reading comprehension. Page Feedback. Did you find this information useful? What could we do better?
Submit Feedback. Look Inside. Watch as Dr. Anita Archer shares strategies that help you: Explicitly teach individual words to students both general and domain-specific academic vocabulary. Teach students strategies for learning words. Develop a language-enriched classroom. Foster word consciousness among students. Anita Archer Anita L. Download W-9 Form. REWARDS is offered at both the Intermediate and Secondary levels, and the focus of both is on decoding multisyllabic words, identifying and understanding prefixes and suffixes, increasing word and passage reading fluency, building academic vocabulary, and deepening comprehension along with building confidence.
A student who has previously encountered REWARDS Intermediate or Secondary now has increased fluency and familiarity with the process of deciphering known elements in unknown multisyllabic vocabulary. Download Overview. Respected Authorship. Anita L. Archer, Ph.