I tried to create a bridge between the VPN and the local network on both ends, but this started breaking the internet…. Hi, if the goal is to use also the same DHCP server in the second office that you are using in the main one then you have to use a VPN bridged solution. You need to configure this bridge on both the offices.
In any case, sharing the dhcp server has the disadvantage all your client use the same default gateway and therefore also Internet traffic would be forwarded from the second office to the main one.
Regards Fulvio. Do I not need to bridge the lan and vpn? What is a VLAN? The main office runs on X and the second network for Setup DHCP on both, one for the 0. Thanks in advance for your help. If the goal is to use also the same DHCP server in the second office that you are using in the main one then you have to use a VPN bridged solution.
This might help TAP devices are like virtual ethernet connections: you are free to bridge TAP device with other ethernet interfaces or just assign an IP address an route traffic across them. I would just like the choice of which one to use. Perhaps if I describe my situation a little better, you can tell me if TAP will work without having to make lots of changes to our subnet addressing.
I have a main office with subnet Now, as far as I know, if we were forced to use a TAP device on Zeroshell, we would have to make all computers run on Correct me if I am wrong and there is a way making TAP work with our current subnets.
TAP devices works fine either in routed or bridged forwarding. Hence, you can use Zeroshell and continue to split your LAN in the subnets you described. Are you sure? This requires a more complex setup maybe not more complex in practice, but more complicated to explain in detail :.
I could not find any documentation on the Zeroshell site about routing in the context of using the TAP device. In your case, you must not bridge the VPN interface with an ethernet one. You could also enable RIP v2 so the routing is automatically managed without adding static routes. This is exactly the same steps you need if you use TUN interfaces. Ah, thank for clearing that up. When you are bridging, you must always use —dev tap on both ends of the connection.
If you are routing you can use either —dev tap or —dev tun , but you must use the same on both ends of the connection. Now I just need to figure out how to implement that solution. Are there plans to implement this? TUN devices are just for point-to-point connections.
In other word you can only route traffic across them. TAP ones are more flexible because manage the brodcast traffic and therefore are like Ethernet devices. This allowed me to manage the VPN interfaces as Ethernet ones, without any additional effort. Nothing changes. The bad news is, it was more difficult to get working than when using a TUN device, especially since the convenient openvpn iroute directive appears to be supported only with TUN device and not TAP device.
This means that this interface can be assigned an IP address and appropriately configure routing or make it part of a bridge along with other Ethernet interfaces. Based on whether you opt for the first or second possibility where VPN99 is a member of a bridge , VPN connections will be in routing or in bridging.
Lastly, it is important to note that the way OpenVPN is configured on Zeroshell, clients simultaneously connected in VPN are isolated from each other and therefore cannot communicate unless through the gateway. This choice was forced by the security criteria with which, for example, we want to prevent a VPN client from sharing his virtual interface and sniff traffic not addressed to him. However, if you believe that VPN clients should communicate with each other, simple add —client-to-client to the web interface Command Line Parameters text box.
This setting will enable visibility in layer 2 by the openvpn process and not in the Kernel that permits clients to see each other. Since Kernel does not handle this communication, there is no hope of configuring the Firewall Netfilter to prevent any type of traffic between clients in the Virtual Private Network. Zeroshell supports a multi-domain authentication system in which you have to configure the authentication source which can be a Kerberos 5 KDC local, external and trusted or an external RADIUS server.
One of these authentication domains is set to be the default domain. The users of the default domain do not need to specify the username in the form of username domain ex. Notice that the domain name is not case sensitive, because if the domain is configured to be a Kerberos V realm, it is automatically converted to uppercase.
Skip to content. Zeroshell has the X. The last capability makes possible the authentication of the users of a Microsoft Active Directory Domain. In last analysis, the approach of OpenVPN appears robust, because not only uses strongest cryptographic algorithms available in the OpenSSL libraries, but also the developers are careful about the quality of the code.
This makes OpenVPN a secure and stable software by reducing the presence of security holes. With UDP on the other hand, when service is down, client and server only retry the connection after a certain number of seconds set by the —ping-restart n parameter. The reason for this is found in the fact that TCP, as a connection-oriented protocol, runs integrity controls if VPN encapsulation is redundant, since data integrity is newly controlled for the flows that cross VPN.
However, it has been seen that this overhead is negligible and potential performance with TCP is nearly the same as those with UDP. In addition to the protocol, the port on which client connections are accepted can also be selected. Authentication is set so that only the usernames and passwords of local Zeroshell users are authenticated.