Apply a bead of sealant around the perimeter of the base. Sno-Gem also offers two additional application methods; on-site application of adhesive and the use of mechanical fasteners. This product has a proven record for this particular use and is well known in the metal roofing industry. To install Sno-Gem Snow Guards, contact surfaces shall be wiped only with Isopropyl Alcohol and the adhesive shall be applied so as to completely coat the underside of the device before positioning it on the roof surface.
After positioning, exert uniform pressure until adhesive is squeezed out around the entire perimeter of the Sno-Gem and point up the joint to create a bead that is free of gaps or air pockets. Clean up using Mineral Spirits or Naptha gas. Fastener selection should be governed by substrate and anticipated loads, but stainless steel or corrosion resistant fasteners should be insisted upon. Adhesive or sealant should be applied so as to completely coat the underside of the device before positioning it on the roof surface.
Sno-Gem Snow Guard placement will vary from region to region and will be influenced by roof pitch, length of run and spacing between seams. Local custom may be the best guide as to placement, and additional recommendations can be found in SMACNA and other industry standards. Placement should be determined by a qualified design professional. The Buyer agrees that under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable for any consequential, special or indirect damages.
Specifications - Round Tubing. Individual Seam Mount. Deck Mount. MEC Deck Mount. Specifications - 1" Square. Specifications - 2" Square. Corrugated Deck Mount. Specifications - 1" Round. Installation Instructions - New Construction.
Installation Instructions - Retrofit. TPO Deck Mount. Sell Sheet - Installation Options. Installation Instructions - New Construction - Preskirted. Installation Instructions - Retrofit - Preskirted. PVC Deck Mount. Slate, Tile, and Shingle Deck Mount. Specifications - 2" Round. Ludowici French Tile Deck Mount.
Original Polycarbonate. Original Metal. Original Metal with Plate. Original Metal Copper. Half Carat Metal.